Back to the Coast

Chris and I are once again flying back to Queensland. This will be the second mini camp in our preparation. Two nights, two days and five rows and we will be back to Melbourne. It’s intense and this time I am keen to make sure my motivation is improved. We will be playing around with some set up with our rig to see if we can’t get ourselves into better positions around the front turn. Also in this time we will take some video and have a few meeting to continue to plan for how we go forward. Our goal is simple but what is complex is some of the logistics so we need to stay on top of these to ensure there is no stress. Next week Duncan will be down in Melbourne due which time we will head into the laboratory to be tested. It will be interesting to see were we are at with the work we have done so far. Our skills need to be sharpened and we know that each time together is critical in taking the steps to make improvements.


it would be cool if you could post the training videos on your blog!

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