Wurfy's Wondful Tour's

Here are some shots during yesterdays ride...

Wurfy's Wonderful Tours 

It starts with a gentle ride for 4hrs with a few hills before a bigger climb and then just a quick 90min ride home. Please keep all limbs inside the vehicle and avoid distracting the drive as he may ride off the road, run into a median strip or simple ride away on you. The risk is heart failure or you might become a blithering messing on the side of the road. Otherwise you are better for it and have seen most of Hobart in a few days... Enjoy the tour

About to start up the hill with Wurfy

But wait it's Longy's place ... A pub he would love

Just to be sure I was with Wurfy but quiet often behind him trailing up the climbs

Would love to have dropped in to freshen up before the 55 min of climbing to get to the top of Mt Wellington... A refreshing beer could have made the difference

That's me with out a beer and about to feel pretty dame tired...Where's Wurfy?

 That's right up ahead... Looking good in his new TIS gear

So that was just part of our 6hr 45min journey. I was promised muffins and coffee but it was not delivered. I burned some 5900kj and average 131 heart rate with 240w all this with 2600m of climbing. And I was spanked up the hills by a bloody lightweight. Maybe I can't let go of my rowing days where the rivalry between heavyweights and lightweights was huge. Actually that's it, that's why Wurfy seems to want to ride off on me all the time. He's just getting us heavy weights back in a sport which greatly rewards leanness and power to weight. The little fella is in good form and I was happy to follow him around, then up, then down, then up and down. That beer would have been nice though...

Question is would I come back?

By the way to follow Wurfy on his cycling adventure check out his blog he has just started.


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