Development Tools

Over the last few months I have been involved in getting certified in a number of diagnostic tools.

The most recent was last week and it involved two 360 feedback tools, Benchmarks and Skillscope. I was quiet impressed with the level of feedback particularly for the Benchmarks. Before this I went through the MBTI, Myers Brigg personality accreditation process which I enjoyed but I must admit I did get frustrated at times. I prefer to dig into things and immerse myself more than what the four day's allowed, but then what I do beyond certification is probably far more important anyway. Before MBTI I was put through the CDP, Conflict Dynamics Profile by someone how has had a huge impact on me and my career over the last three years. Edmund King from Melbourne Business School, Mt Eliza gave me an opportunity three plus years ago to work down at Mt Eliza on a number of programs. He was great in trusting in a model I had created around goal setting, which I have since evolved it into a model I call, FISH. More about this another time. So Edmund took myself another another guy, Steve from the VIS through accreditation for the CDP. So in a short space of time I am accredited up the whaazoo... To add to these is program I went on for Belbin Team Roles which I love and can see great application for in sporting and business team's. The only other tool before these was the MLQ, Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire which a friend and I ran with a VIS Leadership development program over 12months ago.

I appreciate the large scope and variety of development tools out there but I certainly have enjoyed going through and learning more about these ones.

Development Tools:

-Benchmarks & Skillscope 360 Feedback
-MBTI Personality
-CDP Conflict Management
-Belbin Team Roles
-MLQ Leadership


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