WOW Is this a fools ambition?

Sorry it has been a crazy few months. Many ups and downs with a few twists. Got to say it is weird as I have lost contact with a few things which is poor form. I have slipped on a few banana peels. There has been a few twinges of pain. A touch of nostalgia with some elements of reality.

What am I trying to say?

Well I have no idea what I am doing. Does that make me crazy? I have taken up the challenge of at least exploring if my back will take training for rowing. Add to this the prospect of running two businesses and the most important things my family. Can it be done?

The idea of going around again appeals but the worry of what might happen is vivid in my mind.

I have held off writing for some time only because before sending out any thoughts I wanted to be sure my family was ok with what might be ahead.

Let as prepare....


Gavin said…
Hi Drew

Cograts on making your decision. You are never going to know what's going to happen this time round.

At least in the future you'll never end up wondering what if.


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