Passing the time away...

Here's Josh and Nick well and truly happy passing the time between training sessions, eating and sleeping. Should mention we have done our fair share of walking too here in Henley.

Between the games, the ebooks, the you tube video's, the movies, updating facebook pages and pretty much lively banter about almost anything its simply a way to stay occupied. Guess we could take up knitting and make jumps for the team, but I figure once in Italy it will be to hot anyway. For now then we play the waiting game before racing and as a crew we are starting to get to know each other better, or should I say I am getting to know them and they are getting to know me.

Tomorrow we have our first race together. Racing, yep thats what this is all about seems some time since I last got down and dirty so tomorrow I believe is when things start to become interesting. We start to see what might be possible and over the next week and a bit we will hopefully have a number of hit outs and get to explore and adjust what we are doing to ensure from Lucern we can get serious about how to make this little yellow boat of ours sing.

Race plan is simple...

Go hard, harder and hardest as an old row once said to me. Then he added, then you find more. I liked it then and I like it now. I suppose there are subtleties in there but in many ways it is so simple. Maybe sub the word hard for fast and it pretty much can't be put to rest. Talking if rest it would seem here we have in a room four guys very happy to put our feet up and the other Aussies in our home stay seem even more incline to go to bed earlier.

One last thing I like history, well history of sport and Henley has a great history. Had to weight in before dinner tonight and I am still capable of influencing a crew. Brought the average weight down considerably and with the the average age obviously. Clocked in just over 87kg and proud. The young blokes are looks sharp at 98 & 100 with Sam stuck in the middle. Seems I am meant to get up to 90 to be more robust. Something about having more protein and eating more. I am trying... and it is up, way up from 77 from my cycling effort. So while they have their collective heads down I am pretty much feeding my face ever chance I can get. Chocolate brownie from the bakery for a snake after dinner was nice and about to grab some protein mix just to give my self a fighting chance to keep the bow in the water tomorrow.


Anonymous said…
Hi Drew,

Good luck tomorrow. Just wondering. What is the crew line up?
Are you guys still playing with the line up? I'm guessing from your last post you are sitting in the bow seat?
Hope your racing goes well. I was told once, when racing at henley, get to the barrier first, then wash'em down, and its all over for them. Don't know how ethical that is.
Anyway, happy racing.
pistol barrels said…
Goodluck on the challenge. Get enough rest.

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