A cold wind chills, but hot coffe awaits.

Hit the road this morning rugged up with two thermal tops on, leggings and gloves. Well as usually as I started out down the road from my house I thought I would have loved to have stayed in bed. Instead I was rushing down to a street corner near by to meet up with a group of guys to do our bike session. Straight away I could tell from the chill in the air that it would be a cool morning. Most of the time I over dress and by half way through a ride I curse myself for not wearing less. Today I figured that I would rather be warm than chilled. Apart from the obvious reasons why I would get out for a ride on a Saturday morning, there are the training benefits and the social aspect of being able to have a bit of a catch up, but one thing I really look forward to is the hot coffee we get to enjoy at the local cafe at the end of the ride. It doesn't seem to matter how cold it is or how chilled we become. The coffee is the wonderful thing that awaits us at the end. We sit around a catch about the ride and make plans for when we will next be out on the bikes. It is something that I come to enjoy ad look forward to even on a morning when you have to ride 30km back into a strengthening head wind, that feels like it is cutting right through your body.


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