On Track: Taking the necessary steps

It has been some time since I last posted, but much has been happening. I have taken a trip across Australia to Perth and back to Brisbane then home. All within 48hours so you can imagine I was tired but willing. Why because it was something I need to do to ensure things are on track. Obviously it's work I travel for but to combine training and meetings about preparations for overseas is a way to optimise the time.

We have a clear vision of what we are aiming for this year and next and we feel compelled to keep ourselves on track. Every day Duncan and I are communicating about our training and ideas about the remainder of preparations. Now is the time for the necessary steps. We have some must do's to ensure we are ready to take off overseas.

The actually training steps are relatively easy but they obviously are critical. So what I have been doing over the last week or so is accessing inspiration and creating ideas about how we can be significantly better. How am I doing this we that's a secret...No not really what I am doing is going over old video footage of races and studying various way crews perform. The various styles, approaches, tactics and performance behaviours are all very interesting. It has given me much food for thought and I have reflected a great deal on the possible intentions that athlete have used.

One race I love is the Sydney Olympics Pair final. I think it remind me how fickle things can be after missing out due to a back injury and because of the way the French pair took the bull by the horns. I will post some other thoughts on this shortly as I love the way the attacked the Field. They have inspired me. The other interesting things about that race is the various changes in position. It was incredible and some of the changes coupled with the size or the margins at different stages is staggering. It is a thrilling race to watch and has fuelled my curiosity to find similar races were the lead and positions turn and change in such ways.

Every day I have been trying to log 60km on the bike and about 60min on the ergo. The way I break it up is based on intuition. Although we are sharing our training info with each other, Duncan and I are doing slightly different things. Chris our coach has asked that we email every thing through but is happy that we do our individual things. We do start to get some time in the boat this week with Chris and I heading north for three days later in the week. So begins the contact time in the pair with tow to three days each week now planned until we leave.

Each session will be a specific step we take together that we will remain conscious of how important improvement is as we must ensure maximum benefit for our time together.


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